Clinical research

jung diagnostics researches, develops and validates new imaging biomarkers.

The company cooperates with academic centers, clinics and research institutions and conducts phase IIIb and IV studies for the pharmaceutical industry and for biotech and medtech companies.

Scientific publications

Selected conference contributions can be found further down.

Original articles in peer-reviewed journals

Hedderich DM, Opfer R, Krüger J, Spies L, Yakushev I, Buchert R (2025)
Clinical validation of artificial intelligence-based single-subject morphometry without normative reference database. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2025;0(0)

Opfer R, Schwab M, Bangoura S, Biswas M, Krüger J, Spies L, Gocke C, Gaser, C, Schippling S, Kitzler H, Ziemssen T (2024)
Patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis show accelerated whole brain volume and thalamic volume loss early in disease. Neuroradiology. 2024 Nov 28

Buddenkotte T, Opfer R, Krüger J, Hering A, Crispin-Ortuzar M (2024)
CTARR: A fast and robust method for identifying anatomical regions on CT images via atlas registration. Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging. Volume 2, October 2024, 2067-2088.

Opfer R, Ziemssen T, Krüger J, Buddenkotte T, Spies L, Gocke C, Schwab M, Buchert R (2024)
Higher effect sizes for the detection of accelerated brain volume loss and disability progression in multiple sclerosis using deep-learning. Computers in Biology and Medicine. Volume 183, 2024, 109289.

Villringer K, Sokiranski R, Opfer R, Spies L, Hamann M, Bormann A, Brehmer M, Galinovic I, Fiebach JB (2024)
An Artificial Intelligence Algorithm Integrated into the Clinical Workflow Can Ensure High Quality Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage CT Diagnostic Clin Neuroradiol. 2024 Sep 26.

Opfer R, Krüger J, Buddenkotte T, Spies L, Behrendt F, Schippling S, Buchert R (2024)
BrainLossNet: a fast, accurate and robust method to estimate brain volume loss from longitudinal MRI. Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2024 Jun 16.

Schultz S, Hedderich D, Schmitz-Koep B, Schinz D, Zimmer C, Yakushev I, Apostolova I, Özden C, Opfer R, Buchert R (2024)
Removing outliers from the normative database improves regional atrophy detection in single-subject voxel-based morphometry. Neuroradiology. 2024 Apr;66(4):507-519.

Buddenkotte T, Apostolova I, Opfer R, Krüger J, Klutmann S, Buchert R (2023) Automated identification of uncertain cases in deep learning‑based classification of dopamine transporter SPECT to improve clinical utility and acceptance Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2023).

Krüger J, Opfer R, Spies L, Hedderich D, Buchert R (2023) Voxel-based morphometry in single subjects without a scanner-specific normal database using a convolutional neural network Eur Radiol (2023).

Schlaeger S, Shit S, Eichinger P, Hamann M, Opfer R, Krüger J, Dieckmeyer M, Schön S, Mühlau M, Zimmer C, Kirschke J, Wiestler B, Hedderich D (2023) AI-based detection of contrast-enhancing MRI lesions in patients with multiple sclerosis Insights Into Imaging 14:123(2023).

Behrendt F, Bengs M, Bhattacharya D, Krüger J, Opfer R, Schlaefer A (2023) A systematic approach to deep learning-based nodule detection in chest radiographs Scientific Reports 13:10120(2021).

Opfer R, Krüger J, Spies L, Ostwaldt AC, Kitzler HH, Schippling S, Buchert R (2022) Automatic segmentation of the thalamus using a massively trained 3D convolutional neural network: higher sensitivity for the detection of reduced thalamus volume by improved inter-scanner stability. European Radiology(2022).

Opfer R, Krüger J, Spies L, Kitzler HK, Schippling S, Buchert R (2022) Single‑subject analysis of regional brain volumetric measures can be strongly influenced by the method for head size adjustment. Neuroradiology(2022).

Krüger J, Ostwaldt AC, Spies L, Geisler B, Schlaefer A, Kitzler HK, Schippling S, Opfer R (2021) Infratentorial lesions in multiple sclerosis patients: intra and inter‑rater variability in comparison to a fully automated segmentation using 3D convolutional neural networks. European Radiology(2021).

Pawlitzki M, Horbrügger M, Loewe K, Kaufmann J, Opfer R, Wagner M, Al-Nosairy KO, Meuth SG, Hoffmann MB, Schippling S (2020) MS optic neuritis-induced long-term structural changes within the visual pathway. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2020 Jan 22;7(2):e665.

Opfer R, Krüger J, Spies L, Hamann M, Wicki CA, Kitzler H, Gocke C, Silva D, Schippling S (2020) Age-dependent cut-offs for pathological deep gray matter and thalamic volume loss using Jacobian integration. NeuroImage:Clinical 28:102478.

Krüger J, Opfer R, Gessert N, Ostwaldt AC, Manogaran P, Kitzler H, Schlaefer A, Schippling S (2020) Fully automated longitudinal segmentation of new or enlarged multiple sclerosis lesions using 3D convolutional neural networks. NeuroImage:Clinical 28:102445.

Gessert N, Krüger J, Opfer R, Ostwaldt AC, Manogaran P, Kitzler H, Schippling S, Schlaefer A (2020) Multiple sclerosis lesion activity segmentation with attention-guided two-path CNNs. Comput Med Imaging Graph. 84:101772.

Raji A, Opfer R, Ostwaldt AC, Suppa P, Spies, L, Winkler G (2018) MRI-based brain volumetry at a single time point complements clinical evaluation of patients with multiple sclerosis in an outpatient setting. Front Neurol. 9:545.

Buchert R, Lange C, Suppa P, Apostolova I, Spies L, Teipel S, Dubois B, Hampel H, Grothe MJ (2018) Magnetic resonance imaging-based hippocampus volume for prediction of dementia in mild cognitive impairment: Why does the measurement method matter so little? Alzheimers Dement. 14:976–978.

Opfer R, Ostwaldt AC, Sormani MP, Gocke C, Walker-Egger C, Panogaran M, De Stefano N, Schippling S (2018) Estimates of age-dependent cut-offs for pathological brain volume loss using SIENA/FSL – A longitudinal brain volumetry study in healthy adults. Neurobiol Aging. 65:1-6.

Opfer R, Ostwaldt AC, Walker-Egger C, Panogaran M, Sormani MP, De Stefano N, Schippling S (2018) Within patient fluctuation of brain volume estimates from shortterm repeated MRI measurements using SIENA/FSL. J Neurol. 265:1158-1165.

Apostolova I, Lange C, Mäurer A, Suppa P, Spies L, Grothe MJ, Nierhaus T, Fiebach JB, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, Buchert R (2018) Hypermetabolism in the hippocampal formation of cognitively impaired patients indicates detrimental maladaptation. Neurobiol Aging. 65:41-50.

Apostolova I, Lange C, Suppa P, Spies L, Klutmann S, Adam G, Grothe MJ, Buchert R (2017) Impact of plasma glucose level on the pattern of brain FDG uptake and the predictive power of FDG PET in mild cognitive impairment. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 45:1417-1422.

Lange C, Suppa P, Pietrzyk U, Makowski MR, Spies L, Peters O, Buchert R (2017) Prediction of Alzheimer's Dementia in Patients with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment in Clinical Routine: Incremental Value of Biomarkers of Neurodegeneration and Brain Amyloidosis Added Stepwise to Cognitive Status. J Alzheimers Dis. 61:373-388.

Levy Nogueira M, Samri D, Epelbaum S, Lista S, Suppa P, Spies L, Hampel H, Dubois B, Teichmann M (2017) Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis Relies on a Twofold Clinical-Biological Algorithm: Three Memory Clinic Case Reports. J Alzheimers Dis. 60:577-583.

Cavedo E, Suppa P, Lange C, Opfer R, Lista L, Galluzzi S, Schwarz AJ, Spies L, Buchert R, Hampel H (2017) Fully automatic MRI-based hippocampus volumetry using FSL-FIRST: intra-scanner test-retest stability, inter-field strength variability, and performance as enrichment biomarker for clinical trials using prodromal target populations at risk for Alzheimer's disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 60:151-164.

Schippling S, Ostwaldt AC, Suppa P, Spies L, Manogaran P, Gocke C, Huppertz HJ und Opfer R (2017) Global and regional annual brain volume loss rates in physiological aging. J Neurol. 264:520-528.

Egger C, Opfer R, Wang C, Kepp T, Sormani MP, Spies L, Barnett M und Schippling S (2017) MRI FLAIR lesion segmentation in Multiple Sclerosis: Does automated segmentation hold up with manual annotation? NeuroImage: Clinical. 13:264–270.

Lange C, Suppa P, Mäurer A, Ritter K, Pietrzyk U, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, Fiebach JB, Spies L, and Buchert R (2016) Mental speed is associated with the shape irregularity of white matter MRI hyperintensity load. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 11:1720-1730.

Ritter K, Lange C, Weygandt M, Mäurer A, Roberts A, Estrella M, Suppa P, Spies L, Prasad V, Steffen I, Apostolova I, Bittner D, Gövercin M, Brenner W, Mende C, Peters O, Seybold J, Fiebach JB, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, Hampel H, Haynes JD, and Buchert R (2016) Combination of structural MRI and FDG-PET of the brain improves diagnostic accuracy in newly manifested cognitive impairment in geriatric inpatients. J Alzheimers Dis. 54:1319–1331.

Suppa P, Hampel H, Kepp T, Lange C, Spies L, Fiebach JB, Dubois B, Buchert R (2016) Performance of hippocampus volumetry with FSL-FIRST for prediction of Alzheimer's disease dementia in at risk subjects with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. J Alzheimers Dis. 51:867-873.

Opfer R, Suppa P, Kepp T, Spies L, Schippling S und Huppertz HJ (2016) Atlas based brain volumetry: how to distinguish regional volume changes due to biological or physiological effects from inherent noise of the methodology. Magn Reson Imaging. 34:45-461.

Lange C, Suppa P, Frings L, Brenner W, Spies L und Buchert R (2016) Optimization of Statistical Single Subject analysis of Brain FDG PET for the Prognosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment-to-Alzheimer’s Disease Conversion. J Alzheimers Dis. 49:945-959.

Burkhardt T, Lüdecke D, Spies L, Wittmann W, Westphal M und Flitsch J (2015) Hippocampal and cerebellar atrophy in patients with Cushing’s disease. Neurosurg Focus. 39:E5

Suppa P, Hampel H, Spies L, Fiebach J, Dubois B und Buchert R (2015) Fully automated atlas-based hippocampal volumetry for clinical routine: validation in subjects with mild cognitive impairment from the ADNI cohort. J Alzheimers Dis. 46:199–209.

Suppa P, Anker U, Spies L, Bopp I, Rüegger-Frey B, Klaghofer R, Gocke C, Hampel H, Beck S und Buchert R (2015) Fully automated atlas-based hippocampal volumetry for detection of Alzheimer’s disease in a memory clinic setting. J Alzheimers Dis. 44:183–193.

Boelmans K, Spies L, Sedlacik J, Fiehler J, Jahn H, Gerloff C, Münchau A. (2014) A novel computerized algorithm to detect microstructural brainstem pathology in Parkinson's disease using standard 3 Tesla MR imaging. J Neurol. 261:1968-75

Spies L, Tewes A, Suppa P, Buchert R, Winkler G und Raji A. (2013) Fully automatic detection of deep white matter T1 hypointense lesions in multiple sclerosis. Phys Med Biol. 58:8323–37.

Arlt S, Buchert R, Spies L, Eichenlaub M, Lehmbeck J und Jahn H. (2013) Association between fully automated MRI based volumetry of different brain regions and neuropsychological test performance in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 263:335-44.

Ausgewählte Konferenzbeiträge

Opfer R, Krüger J, Buddenkotte T, Spies L, Gocke C, Kitzler HH, Schwab M, Ziemssen T (2024)
BrainLossNet: A deep-learning based method to assess brain volume loss is more robust and features a higher effect size than Siena ECTRIMS, Copenhagen

Opfer R, Krüger J, Buddenkotte T, Spies L, Schwab M (2024)
T1-darkening as a surrogate marker for disease progression independent of relapse activity ECTRIMS, Copenhagen

Opfer R, Ostwaldt AC, Krüger J, Müller T, Hilty M, Spies L, Martin R, Lutterotti A (2023)
Defining criteria for new or enlarged T2 lesions in a cohort of early multiple sclerosis patients and their impact on measuring effect size of disease modifying therapies (P1359) ECTRIMS, Milan